Friday 9 October 2009

Wonderful Decision

Here at Trueswedenrugby, we are delighted to welcome the news that Rugby 7's has been admitted to the Olympic Games. So much so , that we decided to open a bottle of Champagne and celebrate, but please keep that to yourselves, we would hate it if you thought we used any excuse for a drink, hic.
Anyway, this has to be great news for the worldwide Rugby community and for the smaller playing nations in particular. Sweden must now take advantage and start to utilise every resource it has to promote this format of the game. Of course, if played and coached properly it is a different game to the 15 a side we generally see on the park and it really is not a game for all shapes and sizes. But, if it gets more people interested in our wonderful sport, that can only be to the benefit of the game. More players and hopefully spectators for the clubs which should. if the clubs are managed correctly, increase revenue which in turn will allow more promotion of the game. Self generating, if done properly.
So all in all a good day for the sport, which is why we have almost emptied the bottle now, plus, it's Friday and we feel like leaving a bit earlier to get to our local bar, just to spread the word of course. See, we have already started the promotional thought processes, good don't you think? hic..hic..

1 comment:

  1. Excellent stuff for the entire rugby family.
