Tuesday 13 October 2009

Food for Thought.

We were contemplating in the office this evening and eventually arrived at what we felt was a very important question. Do we have pizza or burger and chips? Now you might think, what has this got to do with Swedish Rugby? Well so did we, until like a light of bolting, it hit us. Do the players in this country take their diet and nutrition seriously enough to balance their needs, when it comes to health and fitness? Of course there will be some that do, but how many others seek advice regarding this? After all many players get advice regarding fitness training, but diet and nutrition, we just cannot guess. Be interesting to find out.


  1. From the office of Slacke-Bodger OB

    Bally obvious! Porridge and kippers for breakfast, good old English meat and two veg at luncheon and some cold meat (Left over venison, pheasant or even fois gras) for supper. Why would anyone eat anything else.


  2. As one of the fittest props around and coming in at just under 130kg I can agree that diet is everything. Pasta is good, but you cannot beat a decent bacon sandwich.

  3. http://www.rugbyfitnesstraining.com/Rugby-fitness-training-newsletter/Rugby-fitness-training-Swedish-coach.htm

    I am not sure whether anyone ever got any benefit from it.

  4. Det är ju lätt att göra sig lustig, men fakta är ju att vi är väldigt dåliga på detta. Som exempel så åkte vi med min klubb till göteborg för att spela. Vi åkte i extra god tid så vi skulle hinna äta lunch i Gbg i lugn och ro. Då väljer några spelare att äta antingen kebab, kebabpizza eller pizza. Jag kan lugnt säga att min blir lite ledsen över sådan otrolig dumhet...och bara några få timmar innan machstart! Och just det ja, vi förlorade matchen, surprise surprise ;-)

  5. Totally agree with you. Most players are very poor in their diet and nutrition. But where does the education start? We would suggest the schools and then perhaps the coaches. But there is no easy answer.

  6. Why not try the same way as other sports do? Invite a nutritionist to your club.
    Then it’s obviously up to the players to follow the advice, but at least they can’t say they didn’t know..
