Tuesday 17 November 2009

Refreshing Change?

For some reason or other there appears to be an awful lot of people who would like to know who Heineken is.
Why this interest? we wonder. Could it be that we are unreasonable or uncharitable in our views? Are we perhaps ignorant about the game of rugby? Or perhaps there are other reasons that we haven't thought of? However, we feel sure that we will be informed, if that is the case.
Our reason for using an alias is quite simple really. We do not believe that this blog should be about us and should as far as possible, reflect our thoughts on the main theme, which is Swedish Rugby. We will try and promote the game and show a balanced view in our posts. Profiling players and people within the game, so that they are no longer, just a name. Offering constructive criticism when required or praise if merited. It also gives the opportunity for comments to be aired, providing they are not abusive and is a forum for written considerations.
As people who are either heavily involved or are interested in the Swedish game, (even if not all of us reside in Sweden), we felt there was a need for a balanced view. Which is why we chose the name Heineken, because it refreshes the parts that other blogs cannot reach. So there you have it, we have revealed ourselves at last, cheers.


  1. Well definitely ignorant about flag positioning.

  2. Ignorant yes definitely ignorant.

  3. Are these two anons serious? What miserable sods.
