Tuesday 1 December 2009

Guess who?

As we are enjoying a fine bottle of claret, and will no doubt open another one shortly, we thought that we better put up a post that may begin a regular feature in the future,
Guess who, is aimed at people that have made a significant impact on the game of rugby in Sweden.
First up? Well have a guess, see if you can identify him.
This player has a love of all things English, he adores those players and coaches that communicate in a language other than Swedish. Although he left Sweden to further his career and improve his game, he managed to achieve only one of those. He is respected by all the referees in Sweden as he appears to know the game far better than them. Constantly reminding them of what they are doing wrong, we understand that the new Referee's Association is considering inviting him to their first seminar, so that they may benefit from his knowledge.
Although shy and retiring this player is admired and respected by his team mates, who without a doubt, feel that whenever he is on the pitch, the scoreboard will always be turning over.
Last seen on a bench in Stockholm, cheering on the efforts of others, he is now believed to have removed the splinters and is heading back to Peshawar.
So who is it? There are no prizes fgor guessing correctly, just the self satisfaction of knowing you were right.


  1. I have a feeling but I need more clues!!!

  2. not that easy narrowed it down to 4


  3. obvious its a exiles safa

  4. Its a piss take, it has to be the paki.
