Wednesday 30 September 2009

Napoleon Syndrome

Not sure if too many people have heard of this malady, we hadn't, but having read the latest post on another blog, we realised that there had to be a title for the suffering the author of the post is going through.
You see, it's ok to give advice to the populace but sometimes you have to heed your own!
As time passes, memories fade and generally, people move forward. But in this case, since he was sacked/resigned as FK of the Men's National Squad, he has taken every opportunity to remind those that read his blog, just how good he was and to basically undermine anybody appointed to the position. Why, we saw him in Arsta on Saturday wearing the old Swedish tracksuit trousers and coat, with the trousers especially, looking a bit like clownish, but his dress sense is a different matter. Well. here at TrueSwedenRugby, as a positive group of people we would like to help him, so here is some advice. You are not the FK, move on and if you really believe in supporting Swedish Rugby, offer positive support to all those in it.


  1. Got to agree with this post. Not only does he think hes the best coach in sweden he goes round telling anyone who listens that he is. He should grow up.

  2. The guy has nothing but moaned the whole time since he was fired.Its a real shame..sort of feel sorry for him.

  3. At last, a chance to write and have published fair comment. Yes I agree the person in question should move on. He acts like a child who has had his sweets taken away and then keeps throwing his toys out the pram. He should grow up.

  4. Yea you is right, he thinks he is the greatest and lets face it his record with GRF men this season proofs it.

  5. Ok, so maybe he does have a few faults and that he is to full of himself. But he has created some really positive stuff within Swedish Rugby, for example.......mmm......mmmm......mmmmm perhaps your right after all!

  6. No thats unfair. He was ok as a coach when i was in the national team did not like the whitboard sessions because they went on for ever,

  7. Looks like you have got a reaction from the great man himself. Once again he has tried turn it around and make himself a victim! How pathetic. One thing is for sure he does not like it when others say things about him that are not complimentary but he loves to do the same thing himself.

  8. Well I can´t really say for GRF but when Neil coached the National Side i really think that we came together. We became a team. And that was the most important thing.

    And Neil is a great coach as well. He brought up several new and up to date tactics with he National Side. Yes some Whiteboard session where to long. But he knew what he was talking about.

    Lovely to see all of you saying that he criticise and don´t come up with any positive solutions. Reading through here I can only say that you are doing the same.

    All your moaning and pissing put aside. Tell us all who you think is the best coach in Sweden right now. And why.

    And also: Tell us why you think Neil was a bad coach for Sweden and what he should have done instead.


  9. Niklas, thank you for your personal and illuminating view. We are sure that Neil has his supporters. Just a couple of points for you to reflect on, if you don't mind.
    First, we at Trueswedenrugby cannot recall mentioning Neil being a bad coach. If others through their comments have, that is a view they are entitled to express.
    We are also allowed to view our opinions and we do try to offer constructive criticism when required, which is a positive step. As for the best coach in Sweden? We couldn't possibly guess as we don't know them all. Players have their own favourites and they would probably come up with a variety of candidates for one reason or another.

  10. I must say this blog is seriously pathetic. Wouldn't it be nice if the two people behind it just moved on?

  11. Well everyone is entitled to their opinion. Nice try by the way but if you really want to know how many of us are involved in this blog, why not ask? You just might be surprised.

  12. A really pathetic blog. Last time I'll give you gays a hit.

